This past month we sent out a mass e-mail to our former customers on file asking them for reviews on a popular website. When I got ready to send the e-mail the gentleman working for the software company helping me on the other end of the phone said "Are you sure you want to send it to all of your customers or just the one's that have given you a 4 star rating or better?" I replied and told him that I was confident in our work overall and wanted to send it to all of our previous customers. We received a couple of negative postings and in all honesty I was fine with that. It is good to hear from customers who were not satisified and find out why they weren't. It gives us a chance to make changes if and when we can, and better our processes and people.
I did realize something out of all of this and that is that social media will either bring out the best in people or the worst. Know that we do value your feedback either way and that is why we continue to promote our online presence. Helping to educate our current customers as well as our future customers are top priority for us.
Thanks to everyone who has sent in reviews over the years about our service and helped contributed to our online efforts!
The Aspen Roofing Team
801-483-1660 Office